
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, ٢٠١٢


الان المنهج الرائع                          super-land 5 English Dept. 5 th Primary Module 3: Travel New Vocabulary Module page: Holiday time , crowded beaches , boring nightlife , freezing cold , nice hotels , top class restaurants , warm & sunny , excellent views , delicious dishes , fabulous shops , relaxing atmosphere , scorching hot, cold & chilly , impressive sights. 3/A Holidays ( safari , cruise , package , camping holiday )theme park , castle , museum , gallery , means of transport ( coach , ferry ) snorkeling , scuba diving , hiking , rafting , sailing , windsurfing , diving , accommodation , hotel , tent , hostel , underwater , guests , impressive , dark secrets , major attraction , dark alleys , vaults , deserted churchyards. 3/B Typical, melt , entire , actual , snowmobile , warm , believe it or not , queue up , on sale , treat yourself , just the place , trust me , local snack , reindeer meat. 3/C Sunburnt, crowded ,