
الان المنهج الرائع                         super-land5

English Dept.
5th Primary
Module 3: Travel
New Vocabulary
Module page:
Holiday time , crowded beaches , boring nightlife , freezing cold , nice hotels , top class restaurants , warm & sunny , excellent views , delicious dishes , fabulous shops , relaxing atmosphere , scorching hot, cold & chilly , impressive sights.

Holidays ( safari , cruise , package , camping holiday )theme park , castle , museum , gallery , means of transport ( coach , ferry ) snorkeling , scuba diving , hiking , rafting , sailing , windsurfing , diving , accommodation , hotel , tent , hostel , underwater , guests , impressive , dark secrets , major attraction , dark alleys , vaults , deserted churchyards.

Typical, melt , entire , actual , snowmobile , warm , believe it or not , queue up , on sale , treat yourself , just the place , trust me , local snack , reindeer meat.

Sunburnt, crowded , gorgeous , rude , disgusting , boring , wet , rainy , exciting things.

Would you like to……….?
How about going / coming ………?
I'd love to
That sounds great!
Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't
I'd love to
But I can't

[Exercises on Module Page (3)]

Underline the correct answer between brackets:
1- I can’t stand the (quiet – peaceful – crowded) beaches because they make me feel stressed.
2- It’s (scorching – freezing – boiling) cold in some European countries like Russia in winter.
3- I enjoy staying at nice (restaurants – hotels – stations) like Hilton.
4- (Top – Stop – Club) class restaurants always serve the most delicious food.
5- Lots of people spend summer holiday on the beaches because it's (scorching – scratching – scraping) hot in cities.
6- I feel relaxed in my room because it has an excellent (view – sight – look) at the Nile.
7- Wear your heavy coat; it’s cold and (chilly – shady – sandy) outside.
8- Lots of tourists visit Egyptian beaches to enjoy (scorching – freezing – impressive) sights there.
9- We can go out for a walk today because it’s (warm – rainy – snowy) and sunny.
10- The countryside has a relaxing (weather – atmosphere – climate) that makes you feel quiet and calm.
11- That restaurant attracts lots of people because it serves (delicious – disgusting – nasty) dishes.
12- I don’t like the winter nights because they are (boring – exciting – interesting) .

Module 3 Revision (Model Test)

                                                                                    5th Primary
English Dept.                                                                         English (AL)
Model Test (3)

A) Vocabulary and Structure         (15 Marks)

1. Underline the correct word in brackets :-                                 (10 marks)

1- He likes (diving- snorkeling- sailing) in the deep water to enjoy the  underwater world.  
2- Nora has been waiting for her cousin (for- since- ago) 7 hours.     
3- She likes working in a (boring- scorching- relaxing) atmosphere.                
4- Tom (played – have played – has played) tennis since 6 o’clock.  
5-There are many (spooky- fabulous- frightening) shops in Paris         
6- It’s the best film she has (ever- never- yet) seen.
7- We can know a lot about history when we visit (museums- hostels- galleries).
8- Sally hasn’t baked the cake (already- just- yet). 
9- Marwa likes going (hiking- rafting- relaxing) in the rough water.
10- (Has- Did- Have) you called the police yet?
2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:-        (5ms)

1.     My family has already left the country.                                                 (yet)                                                                                          
2.     Dalia has played computer games, and she’s still playing.                    (all day)
 3. I have never seen a ghost.                                                                      (Have)                                       
 4. Sara went to the club 10 minutes ago.                                                  (already)                                           
5. They have been married since 2005.                                                         (for)

B) Language Functions                         (4 marks)
3. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:-

Ali: Nada, what are you doing Sunday afternoon?
Nada: Not much, what did you have in mind?
Ali: ……………………………….
Nada: Gallery? What is it?
Ali: It’s a good place to see beautiful paintings done by famous artists.
Nada: Wow! ………………………
Ali: ………………………………….?
Nada: Thanks, but I can’t.
Ali: ……………………………….?
Nada: I have a lot of homework this afternoon.

    C) Reading Comprehension             (8 marks)
4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
           Dana Miller is a bus driver. She drives a bus in the city of Philadelphia. She works the night shift. That means she starts work at 10:00 at night and gets off at 6:00 in the morning. Dana has been driving a bus for 15 years. She started when she was 23-years-old. She loves her job most of the time. She gets to see the beautiful city from her seat. She gets to meet all kinds of people.
       There is the guitar player. He brings his heavy guitar on the bus every Friday night. He plays at night. He likes to play the guitar on his knees. There is the woman who works at the cake factory. Each day the “Cake Lady” brings Dana a bag of fresh soft cakes. They fill the bus with a wonderful smell! Sometimes Dana’s job is hard. It is hard when Dana sees people down on their luck. One time, a young woman left her sleeping baby on the bus. There was a note on the baby's blanket asking for help. Dana had to call the police.

Answer the following questions:

1- Why does Dana Miller love her job?
2- When does Dana’s job become hard?
Choose the correct answer:

3- Dana works for ………………..hours.
a)    5                                   b)    8                                c)     10

4- The underlined word (it) refers to ……………….
a)  the cake                       b)  the bus                     c) Dana’s job

E) The Link Reader (Oliver Twist)        (8 ms)
(A) Answer the following questions:-

1-   What game did Fagin and the boys play?

2-    Why did Mr. Grimwig think that Oliver will not come back?

(B) Complete the following sentences:-
1-     The old gentleman tried to catch Oliver because he thought…………………………………

2-    Mrs. Bedwin had taken the picture of the lady away 

E) Orthography:                           (4 ms)
7- Supply the missing letters in the following sentence:

1- There are many ho_tels, top cl_ss   res_aurants, and fab_lous shops in Alexandria.

 F) Handwriting:                                                               (4 ms)
   8- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting:

Tourists love the impressive sights in Egypt .


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